Support Us

Become a Friend of Open Arms

We rely on the friendship, love and support of our Family and Friends. It is so encouraging when we are blessed by people who care. Please pray for us and if you are able, donate or fundraise. Your giving will have an immediate impact on the lives of the young people in our care.

Approved aid and development projects of Open Arms are eligible for tax deductibility through Global Development Group. Global Development Group is a signatory to the ACFIG Code of Conduct, which provides standards of management, communication with the public and most importantly how funds are spent at all times. Global Development Group maintains the highest professional standards to ensure excellence in its performances, activities and accountability to all parties associated with its organization. Thank you for your prayers and financial backing.

Tax Deductible Donations

There are 3 ways to Donate;

1.Donate Direct Debt from Credit Card

Visit the home page of

2.Donate by Direct Deposit

  • Step 1: Deposit funds to Global Development group for Open arms project J676N Commonwealth Bank BSB 064 118 ACC 102 000 94 (all donations must be marked for Project No J676N)
  • Step 2: Email Global development Group your donation detail. We receive multiple direct deposit donations daily, so please contact us with your donation details
  • Our preferred contact method is email:
    • a). The details of your deposit
    • b). Preferred project (Open Arms J676N)
    • c). The name and address to mail (or email) the receipt to

3. Donate by Cheque

  • Step 1: Make your cheque payable to:
  • “Global Development Group/Project J676N Open Arms
  • Step 2: Write a Note with the following details:
    • a). the total of your donation (should match the cheque)
    • b). Preferred project (Open Arms and J676N number)
    • c). The name and address to mail (or email) the receipt to,
  • Step 3: Post your cheque & Note together to:
  • Global Development Group
  • 56 Goorari Street Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Australia