Christmas in the Village

Hi folks well a great time was had by all at the Christmas party in the village.

It was a fishes and loaves experience as we only made up 150 presents for the kids but we stopped counting at just over 300, it was amazing to see the Open arms kids go into action stretching out the presents but I am happy to say nobody was disappointed.

The elderly people had a ball they loved their presents and the cupcakes were gobbled up in no time, we made 263 cupcakes (don’t ask me how we got that number) and we could have given out double.

The curry well it looked very different and Grahame and I made a quiet decision that perhaps it was wisdom not to eat it, but KUl the guy who made it was so kind that he said don’t worry if there is not enough I have out a big pot aside so that you won’t miss out. mm mm well we didn’t get sick cute hey.

Ezra preached about Christ the gift to all mankind and it was just beautiful, I am happy to say it was a beautiful day and an absolute privilege to be able to do it, again thank you all so much for your love prayers and support.